Diy top picks & super easy
Materials: 1 charger or clear party tray from dollar tree
Jute, twine or nautical rope
Hot glue n gun
(Optional 2 packs dollar tree shower curtain rings
Start by putting super glue in the center of your charger or party tray and wrap your nautical rope real tight in a circle and just keep wrapping it outwards and hot glue as you go until you get to the end of your charger or tray when you get to the end you're going to want to wrap the edge of the charger or tray so its not visible and then just hot glue the end piece under your charger or tray and you can stop here and have a beautiful tray or you can go one step farther like I did and take your shower curtain rings from the Dollar tree and also wrap them with your Jude or nautical rope and then you're going to glue them together all around the edge on top and then connect them with a piece of ribbon and then you're done and this is how mine turned out